Assassin's Creed Valhalla: How do I get the new one-handed sword ecruplication and is worth using it?

How do you get the new one-handsword in Assassin's Creed Valhalla? In this Assassin's Creed Valhalla instructions , we will explain the first one-handed sword of the game. We tell you how you get it and whether it is actually worth using it in the fight.


How to get the one-handsword in Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Getting the secretion in the fingers (or in this case the hand), is simple - you just have to take part in the seasonal Sigrblot Festival, which takes place live in Assassin's Creed Valhalla from 29 July 2021 to 19 August 2021 .

Where can I find the one-handsword

Skruple is available as a reward in the festival shop. It costs 300 Festspielmarken , which you can get through the completion of activities and side quests within the framework of the festival.


How to get the best to festival tokens?

Collecting 300 tokens does not last long. Try all festival activities and you should have enough tokens when they're done (or so around). You can also talk to characters on the festival grounds that may have side quests for you. Completing these quests also brings you some tokens.


But if you only want to get the new one-handsword as soon as possible, your best choice is probably the new tournament. In the tournament you choose a weapon and fight through three rounds with opponents. If they are reasonably clever, it takes only a few minutes per run and you will receive about 75 tokens per tournament victory.

It is also worth mentioning that during the tournament, you can actually try the new one-handed sword yourself even though you can no longer take it after the tournament. You still have to buy it in the festival shop.

Do you remember the sword?

Yes, even after the Siglblot Festival, you can keep senior criterion as long as you could buy it.

Is the sword provided outside the festival?

At the moment we do not know exactly at the time or writing. Ubisoft has provided the players for free festival rewards free of charge, even after the end of the festivals. It is possible that the developer makes the same with this one-handsword and the other objects available during the seasonal sigrblot festival.

But for safety's sake, we recommend that you get the sword during the festival itself.

Is the one-handsword in Assassin's Creed Valhalla good?

So you have a conciliation, the first one-handsword added to Assassin's Creed Valhalla - but is it good in a real fight?

Well, we are pleased to tell you that the answer is yes - it's really pretty good.

Handed swords have a completely new set of movements. They swing quickly and seem properly harm. In addition, their combos seem to keep the opponents pretty well in the bridle, so their enemies have little time to react to their attack.

One-handed swords are a bit like bearded axes (the one-handed manifold), but they have more reach. All in all, one seems seem to be a very well rounded weapon type.


Skincing itself is a very good weapon. If it is fully upgraded, it has a surprisingly high stunning value, which makes it very effective together with its fast attacks, to empty the stunning display of your opponent and open it for a finishing movie.

His Rune is also pretty good. After you have executed a dodge, your skill damage increases for a short time. Not bad at all, especially if you like to use many special movements.

Are Assassin's Creed Valhalla Added more one-handful?

Yes, it has already been confirmed that Assassin's Creed Valhalla is expanded with the enlargement Siege of Paris, which will appear on August 12, 2021, for more one-handed greaves.

Take a look at our huge Assassin's Creed Valhalla Guide for further help with the game. If you want to know more about the equipment of the game, we also have these extensive instructions: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: All armaments sets and where to find them .
