Apex Hero Sierra: q skill displacement, injury, can break up with blood
Apex hero New corner Sida officially added big escape battlefield, excellent passive, tactical skills and big tricks to let many players shout headache Even the live owner ** Iitztimmy is very dissatisfied, and finally the official provides update files in these days.
Sille's original tactical skills pay attention to the focus attack is widely broken, which is quite difficult to deal with. With passive Search, the opponent can say that there is no shape.
For the Seli Strong Strong Skills, Respawn increases the heartbeat response time, vision and detection distance of passive skills.
Tactical skills are removed flash and damage, and the impact wave delay is increased from 1.4 seconds to 1.6 seconds, and the movement speed is reduced by 15% during the process of tactical skills.
The speed of the trick Grand Exhibition is also a little ill, so the charging time is raised from 90 seconds to 120 seconds.
This time I update a lot of players, but the effect of breaking the blood is not in this update item, so some people think that it is not enough, it should also be adjusted. It is a part of the player who believes that the original version is almost, and it does not need to be repaired.
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