Final Fantasy X: Tidus originally a plumber and further details from development

Last month, Square Enix Tetsuya Nomura pointed out that he would definitely face a possible "Final Fantasy X-3", unless the opportunity to work on a successor.

In addition, various creative heads of the publisher looked back in the interview with the Japanese Famitsu on the work on "Final Fantasy X". During the development of Las Scenario Writer Kazushige Noyima, for example, various cryptography books that contributed to the inspiration of the Al Bhed language. Incidentally, according to Noyima, the cryptic language to be found is a simpler version of the originally planned version.

Tidus as a plumber?

Like Noyima, Tidus, the main character of "Final Fantasy X", was also revised during development. The beginning took Tidus as a plumber. This role served as a reason that the characters moved in and under water. Only with progressive development did Tidus developed to the lightning athletes we know. The same applies to his outfit, which was thrown and redesigned several times over the pile in the development of "Final Fantasy X".

on the subject : Final Fantasy X-3: Nomura does not want to exclude another offshoot

But not only Tidus was revised in the course of development. The same applies to his companion Auron, who was originally not talking about the character designer Tetsuya Nomura. However, since Auron took over the role of a Guardian and stood by Yuna and Tidus with words and deeds, he finally got some dialog lines donated. His age was also adapted later. One in the development not unusual step, as Nomura added.

The setting: Inspiration from modern Japan

Also to work on Spira, the world in which the story of "Final Fantasy X" plays, Scenario-Writer Kazushige Noyima lost a few words. As he performed, he was inspired by a trip to Okinawa, and introduced a variety of impressions in the design of the world of "Final Fantasy X" and their history or culture.

on the subject : Scenario Writer Kazushige Noyima interested in a successor of the "Final Fantasy X" series

"Final Fantasy X" originally appeared in 2001 for the PlayStation 2. In recent years, technically high-definition high-definition new editions followed for "Final Fantasy X" and "Final Fantasy X-2" for the current consoles and the PC.

Source: siliconera

Further news about Final Fantasy X.

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