Ghost of Tsushima: Legends appears as a standalone game | Director

In addition, Sucker Punch has announced a competitive "Horde" mode for Ghost of Tsushima: Legends.

In the fall of 2020, the developer Sucker Punch surprised the players of Ghost of Tsushima with the publication of "Legends", a free extension, which has added a multiplayer mode to the hitherto pure singleplayer adventure. He came to much praise immediately and was also supplemented after new content. Most recently, nothing happened, but now the responsible persons have a good news for all who want more Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, proclaimed: On September 3, the new "rival" mode will be published. This is a kind of "horde" mode, but with a competitive component, which in turn remembers "gambit" from Destiny 2.

Two duos occur against each other and have to defeat several opponent waves. For every defeated enemy, your Magatama will receive with whom you can buy things that make your competition even more difficult to the survival fight. For example, you can invest in curses that escape the opposite health or make the body exploding their enemies. In addition, you can ward off the purchases of the other team with shadows. If you have spent a certain amount of Magatama, you will release the waves of the last resistance. If you succeed in defeating your counterparty, you will win the match.

Together with the new "rival" mode, an extension of the progression system in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. If your equipment has 110's level, you can bind you to a class and activate championship challenges. If you exist, it increases the Ki level of your items to 120 and turns on a second advantage place. In addition, you can earn a new ability and new techniques for each class.

Ghost of Tsushima: Legends will receive on September 3 but not only new content, it also appears as a stand-alone game for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. If you are interested in the multiplayer mode of Ghost of Tsushima, but the solo campaign does not matter to you is, you can buy in four weeks legends for the price of 19.99 euros individually. If you still want to experience the story of Jin Sakai later, there is the possibility of upgrading to the Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut for 50 euros on the PS4 and 60 euros on the PS5.

Speaking of Director's Cut: If the on 20th of August appears, there are already new content for legends. Then Sucker Punch publishes an update with new weekly nightmare survival challenge variants. In addition, some cosmetic items that enable them in story mode (especially in New Game Plus) are integrated into the multiplayer. So you have achieved them in the campaign, you can use them in legends.

Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut - Announcement Trailer | PS5, PS4 Last but not least, Sucker Punch announced, between the 10th of September and 1 October every week more content for Ghost of Tsushima: Legends to publish. Among other things, there is a new "rival" - and several "survival" maps, which are partly inspired by the island of Iki (scene of the story extension of the Director's Cuts), as well as "IYOS exams". The latter is a modification of the raid with higher level of difficulty, new challenges and online rankings.

Pre-order Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut now!
