Marvels Avengers-Graphic analysis - Foundation Engine's Foundation Engine Technology in Full Screen Mode - game - Video Peeling News, Instructions, Exemplary Procedures, Reviews and Culture
Marvel's Avengers develops into a great-looking game.
Since superhero films come from left to right, it is a long, long time to wait for a Avengers gameplay trailer for a long time. I mean, who knows Wen Thanos could have killed at this time? In all seriousness, however, the development of the game 2020 Avengers (simply titled) Die Rächer) has in the studio Crystal Dynamics full force and after a healthy 14-minute E3 presentation we were actually interested in a superherent game of a special kind.
Recently, Square Enix has published the entire tutorial prologue level of the game. Although the code is not final, this gives us an accurate overview of the technology used, both in terms of intermediate sequences and the actual gameplay.
Overview of engine and lighting
While Crystal Dynamics develops the title, Marvels Avengers is based on the Foundation Engine. This is interesting due to the impact on performance and scalability.
Since a large part of the engine is spent on exploring poorly illuminated interiors, light and shadow play a key role. The Foundation Engine uses delayed rendering to inexpensively implement multiple light sources. This transfers to Marvels Ränger, but with different goals in the eye - a large part of the action in rächer takes place in confined conditions outdoors. Much of the spectacle comes from particle-strong effects. Density, emitting particle effects are the key to take away - if Hulk throws a burning car over the Golden Gate Bridge, the emitting light trails are distributed across the street. We see optimizations in the footage that Square ENIX has shown. Light sources from the vicinity are not emitting, but away from light sources. Notwithstanding this, this significantly improves the spectacle from moment to the moment.
Material reproduction ****
Physically based renderers is most effective when a large amount of metallic surfaces is displayed. Rächer There are many of them in urban environments - from cars and tanks to bridges. We are pleased that Crystal Dynamics has significantly improved the pipeline for material reproduction here and physically provides accurate materials that provide a convincing background for the extensive particle effects.
Character Rendering and Texture Work ****
With a reinforced focus on the narrative experience, Crystal Dynamics invested much in the character reproduction . As a result, intermediate sequences looked excellent and often gave uncharted 4 a run for his money. While rächer is a third-person beat-em-up, we have seen a quantity of intermediate sequences in the material that Square Enix has previously shared, also in prologue. This is a departure from thoughtless brawls we expected, and Crystal has transformed the Foundation character rendering approach to a great effect. Underground scattering is applied to skin surfaces, and together with high-resolution 4K texture, every Avenger looks convincing. There are many high-frequency details available, eg. B. individual notches on the zippers. We expect that the game looks stunning at 4K. The models are correspondingly detailed with five-digit poly numbers. Considering the fact that a large part of the action runs linear and up close, it can afford to invest a large part of the polygon budget for playing lifelike characters.
Purehair is another character rendering feature that is transmitted to rächer from the engine . Square Enix studios are among the few, which use the AMD's excellent open source solution for hair reproduction . Purehair uses GPU computing, To render a high volume of dynamic, physics-based hair with over 30,000 strands per character. Rächer has many long-haired character models. PureHair ensures that the locks of Thor work convincingly without the massive performance losses of, for example, hairworks.
Edge smoothing ****
Here we see how a high-quality temporary AA implementation looks like. The Motor offers SMAA and extremely intensive SSAA. Since Avengers uses a delayed renderer, MSAA can not be implemented here. Although there is a slight loss of detail, the director of the movie art of the game works well with a softer presentation. And temporal stability along with the excellent motion blur ensure a uniquely liquid experience, even at the 30-FPS console standard.
Particle effects
The rendering of particles is an integral part of the technical spectacle in _rächer, _ and Crystal obviously invested a lot of time in this department. In a superhero action game particle effects are particularly important as the gameplay focuses on the inflation of things from moment to moment. Particles seem to render with full resolution. This is ideal for console players who usually have to get along in many games with semi- or even quarter-losing particle effects. Receive volumetric particle volumes in the game and send light. Explosions produce fire balls that deliver light to nearby surfaces. Meanwhile, other light sources, including the sun, throw light on particle volume. ****
The Post-Process Pipeline ****
Crystal uses a whole series of post-processing techniques with great effect. Especially impressed us the high-quality motion blur. This is an expensive motion blur implementation with a high number of samples. The payment is made, however, with very gentle camera movements and object movements. Objects explode and fly to almost any time of the game in each direction. Therefore, a high-quality motion blur is very important to give the game his cinematic flair. We also see the implementation of the flower lighting. The extensive use of Bloom fits into a survival-sized art style of Avengers and gives explosions extra momentum.
Crystal reinserted her BTA-ambient occlusion here in Avengers. PC players probably have the opportunity to decide for HBAO in higher quality. However, BTAO provides a reasonable, temporally stable environmental occlusion with good coverage and not too much "Haloing".
The depth of field also makes the cut with a more dynamic implementation of the depth of field during intermediate sequences and a static DOF in the background used during the regular game. We also see a limited use of radial blur, especially in special attacks.
Conclusion ****
Marvels Rächer look good and also play well when the gameplay trailer and the prologue are everything you can wish. But, whatever, this develops into a sehr interesting superhero title, and not just a purely technical point of view.
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