Sea of Thieves Gold Hoarders Instructions: How to get up quickly and find all treasure chests - Sovereign - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Treasure cards, puzzles, rewards, Level caps and more can be found in our Gold Hoarders manual.

At work for the guild of the goldhort of the sea of ​​the thieves turns - surprisingly - all about the coin. Name it what you want - prey, treasure, prey, looting - but a pirate is nothing without his gold. The Gold Hoarders Group turns, as the name implies to the treasure boxes that are buried anywhere on the map of the sea of ​​thieves. Some missions are classic X-Mark's The-Spot Recovery, while others explore them everywhere to look for the next breadcrumbs of a puzzle path. Whatever you have on your table, we are here to help you. Sea of ​​Thieves has added many new prey over the years, so this guide also focuses on what you dig into and how well you should hide it if you are fearing that other pirates are on your prey.

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How to grind the reputation of Sea of ​​Thieves Gold Hoarders

Of all factions in Sea of ​​Thieves, the easiest way to grind the gold Hoerkers missions as they are easiest. You will find the small purple tent of the gold Hoerkers with a golden key on the side on each outpost, which is occupied by a servant, in whose skin genuine gold is embedded. Sharp or what? Take one of your travels, go to your boat, put it on the captain's table, right away and you get your cards.

At the beginning, the cards simply have the shape of a drawing of the island to which they must drive with a red X, which is marked somewhere. You must browse the ship card so that you match the on your paper. However, this is located in the immediate vicinity of the place where you have taken the journey. So do not scroll to your search. If you have found your destination, continue there and grab your compass. Use the composite points to find out where the X is located and then start with your scoop with the ditch. You will immediately know if you are successful as your shovel collides with a hearty blow with the earth when you hit the chest. Jackpot. Then you only have to return your finds to the outpost of a Goldhort.

Later, if you buy the missionary upgrades to the outpost, you need to solve puzzles to find the treasure. The first line of the note tells you where to go, and the rest of the puzzle appears only when you come to this place. You then have to find the specified point of interest and then go with your increased compass a specified number of steps in a specific direction to find your looting. But these are chests with a higher value, so they receive more gold for every foot and strengthen their reputation faster.

How the Progression of Gold Harden works

As soon as you worked through the free missions for the Gold Hoarder, you will build your reputation. As soon as you have reached Level 5, you can unlock the first action with which you can perform the above-mentioned puzzled treasure searches. Then all five level actions are unlocked, which increases the number of cards per trip, the complexity of the puzzles and the value of each chest. Of course, trips are no longer free as soon as they have reached Level five, but they are worthwhile in terms of progress and, above all, great value.

How to finish gold Hoarders missions alone

Since it's all about gold Hoarders missions, finding out where the treasure is, and then get it, they are the easiest way to do alone. Of course, there are some good tips for WIE MAN Sea of ​​Thieves Solo plays in general, but if you want to select the easiest missions to commit yourself to commit yourself to the Gold House. They are rarely attacked by too many skeletons to bring themselves to themselves when they dig up a hearty chest, and the instructions are quite easy to follow without the help of their pirate colleagues. You may only have to make a few rides from the ship back and forth to redeem your chests.

Gold Hoarders rewards

There are rewards for the rise for each group and how to expect, the benefits for climbing the gold Hoarder promotion levels are geared to gold. While moving through the levels, they will unlock golden versions of their entire equipment, starting with a golden compass and a slightly gilded shovel. If you want your pirate to look totally bling-tasting, you have to work through the gold Hoarder levels.

There are rewards from other retailers that they have a sufficiently good reputation for the gold Hiardern. Look at this, even though you will feel a topic very quickly:

  • Royal Sovereign Galion Figure on Level 50 from the Shipwright Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Hull on Level 50 from the Shipwright Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Sails on Level 50 from the Shipwright Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Bucket on Level 31 from the Equipment Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Compass on Level 46 from the equipment store
  • Royal Sovereign Concertina on Level 41 from the Equipment Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Hurdy gurdy on level 41 from the equipment store
  • Royal Sovereign Lantern on stage 38 from the equipment store
  • Royal Sovereign Shovel on level 31 from the equipment store
  • Royal Sovereign Spyglass on level 46 from the equipment store
  • Royal Sovereign Tankard on level 38 from the equipment store
  • Royal Sovereign Blunderbuss on level 48 from the arms forgets
  • Royal Sovereign Cutlass on level 48 from the arms forgets
  • Royal Sovereign Eye of Reach on Level 48 from the Weaponsmith
  • Royal Sovereign Pistol on level 48 from the arms forge
  • Royal Sovereign Belt on Level 33 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Boots on Level 28 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Dress on Level 33 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Eyepatch at Level 47 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Gloves on Level 28 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign has on level 49 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Hook on Level 47 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Jackets on level 36 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Peglele at Level 47 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Shirt on Level 36 from the General Clothing Shop
  • Royal Sovereign Trousers on level 33 from the General Clothing Shop

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What happens at gold Hoerkers Max Level?

Each faction is currently limited to level 50. Anyone who achieves this point in all three fractions can take the journey to become a pirate legend. The dream. However, the actual reward for achieving Level 50 for the Gold Hoarder is currently unknown. The treasure hunt takes a long time, you do not know? Hopefully we look like one of the Gold Hoarders, with more than just a series of gold crimps in our name.

Gold Hoarders Mission Tips

Although the completion of gold Hoerkers missions is pretty simple, you will find some tips that will make you the entry easier.

Your compass is your best friend - If you do not know the difference between North, South, East and West and all differences in between, you should start learning quickly. If you find the X, solve the puzzles and other clues for the goldhorts, you need your compass more than anything else.

If you do not get away, explore - If a note prompts you to find certain items on a certain part of an island, and you just can not find it, explore it. It is amazing how many northwestern regions can give it technically on a small island. It is not always the most extreme point to which you have to go, as it can be a general title.

Do not be greedy - Although it could be tempting to continue to increase until they have a ship's belly full of prey, the more chests are the more chest they have. If something happens to your ship and it sinks, risk to lose every single chest they have excavated.

Weiter ways to guide the best pirate life, see our SEA OF THIEVES Order of Souls Mission Guide .
