Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Flying Garados & Other Flying Pokémon Catch

In this Guide to Flying Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus Leaders:

  • Where you can find the flying Garados in the game
  • How to catch it
  • How to help you directory, nozzle ball and wing ball and how you get

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Here's the flying Garados in Pokémon-Legend Arceus

The flying Garados encounters her early in the game: It flies near the obsidian waterfalls in the west of Obsidian grassland at a high altitude above the water in a circle. To catch it, you must first go to the right position: climbs on the cliff , which brings you at eye level with the blue seawear monster.

Now you just have to wait until the Garados is as close to you as possible - and then throw a pokéball. However, it is worth taking first technical upgrade ...

Ball, Wing Ball, Nozzle Ball: That's how your Garados catches lighter

In Pokémon legends: Arceus there are special poké balls, with which their flying Pokémon as the Garados is easier. The first of two balls, the shuttlecock, your pretty easily free: You only have to solve enough Pokédex tasks to be transported to the 2-star member of the Galactic Expedition **. That makes her by passing and defeating your Pokémon to share your notes with Professor Laven and the commander of the research troop in Jubeldorf.

You then give you the construction manual for spring bells, which you can manufacture for yourself. Per ball you need 1x apricoko and 1x azurglankstein. Aprikokos are the orange fruits of trees - reading them by providing a Pokémon. Azurglanzstein gets her from the blue crystal deposits, which nines her in the same way.

Spring balls fly pretty fast compared to normal poké balls and have a straight trajectory. This makes it much easier to target them on flying Pokémon and to catch them in the air. To catch the flying Garados with ordinary poké or superball, you have to partially invoice its trajectory and aim about the ball over and in front of the Pokémon. With a shuttle you simply look at the body and still meet.

As a 5-star member of the Galactic Expedition, you free the Wing Ball free, which is an improved version of the fault ball and can be thrown even faster and more targeted. On rank 8 you will receive the recipe for the nozzle ball , the highest improvement level.

Flying Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

How To Catch The Flying Gyarados In Pokemon Legends Arceus (Location)

In addition to the flying Garados there is another Pokémon flying through the air and are not so easy to catch. Here are some worthwhile goals:

  • On the wool grass meadow in red marsh land flies a Togetic around.
  • Near the lake of truth in Obsidian grassland screams a Togekiss .
  • In the Craterberg highlands near the Elysia mountain path you can catch a flying magnetic zone .
  • At the Badelagoon in Cobalt Coastline, a Kramshef flies around.

Again, it is about: First of all, goes close to the Pokémon as possible, so that your litter is crowned by success. Partly these flying Pokémon but are much heavier than Garados , as their bodies are smaller and their trajectories more irregular. So take enough spring, wing or nozzle balls, watches carefully and send your ball to the journey at the right moment!

Other guides to Pokémon legends: Arceus on Garados :

  • Pokémon legends: Arceus - secret gifts received
  • Pokémon legends: Arceus - Earn money quickly
  • Pokémon legends: Arceus - Fang & Develop

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