The best assembly of Wesker in Dead by Daylight
Albert Wesker, inspirer, made his way into the fog of the dead in the daylight. He was joined by Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers in the head of Project W, which should be released on August 30, 2022. After a strong performance on PTB, Wesker is ready to shake the situation in a live game. Here's how to start playing for the traitor Stars.
The best assembly of Mastermind in Dead by Daylight
This build is a stealth book that uses the congenital strengths of Wesker in overcoming obstacles and pursuit of survivors.
Dark sunglasses * * When the survivor is completely infected with an infection of the uroboros, he gets the effect of an unprofitable status for 20 seconds. Laboratory photo * * Destroy the pallets and destroyed walls in a collision using Virulent Bound. * Removes the ability to jump over the pallets when using Virulent Bound.
* Tinker (rustic)
* When the generator is renovated by 70%, you receive a notification of a loud noise, and you are given the effect of an undetected status for 12/14/16 seconds.
Everion (Nemesis) *
* After hitting the generator, his aura is highlighted in yellow.
* When you transfer the surviving state, each generator affected explodes and begins to regress, removing the selected aura.
* Applies an immediate 6% fine of progress.
* Any survivor, repairs the generator, when it explodes, will scream and suffer from the effect of incapacity status within 12/14/16 seconds.
* Evil has a recovery time of 30 seconds.
hex: Play with your food (form)
* You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time you pursue your obsession and allow her to escape, you get a token (a maximum of three).
* Each token increases your movement speed by 3/4/5%.
* Performing a basic or special attack consumes one token.
* Play with your Food has a recovery time of 10 seconds.
* You can be obsessed with only one survivor at the same time.
hex: toy (senobit)
* If at least one dull totem remains on the test field, a curse: the toy is activated on an accidental totem every time the survivor falls on the hook for the first time.
* The surviving hook suffers from the status effects Cursing and oblivion until Damage: toy is cleared.
* During the first 90 seconds, only a damned survivor can clean HEX TOTEM.
* HEX Aura: Hex Totem Plaything opens up to the damned survivor within 24/20/16 meters.
* HEX effects are preserved as long as the appropriate Hex Totem.
To learn more about Dead by Daylight, check out Dead by Daylight Codes (August 2022)-free BP and talismans! In professional game guides.
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